

Treasure Chest

Isness Integration Enhancers TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE

What is the InPassion Treasure Chest?

A Treasure Chest filled with Isness Integration Enhancers, supporting you in accessing and staying in your own inner space of Essence, for a smooth welcome back Home of the whole of you.

These Enhancers are made of your own Purest Wisdom and thus are an expression of your own clarity, an elixir of your own compassion, a bath of your own love.

May you enjoy them as they provide you with your own creative blessings, expanding your landscape of Miracles, breath by breath. 

This Treasure Chest contains:

heart 1 personalised Enlightening Story

heart 1 Personalised Miracle Virtual Room for 1 month

heart 1 Month Access to the Compassionate Breath Monthly Jewels

heart 1 Compassionate Breath Random Session - Live

Let's find out more...

Personalised Enlightening Story

Note: you can access each of these Isness Integration Enhancers as stand alone Pearls as well. Scroll down to bottom. 

As you know, writing is one of my most cherished passions and I have finally found my way of putting this passion to a use that fulfills me completely. If you have been following my Newsletters, you will be aware of my monthly texts. Each one has an Enlightening message weaved into story form, touching places of connection in each one's consciousness and bringing about profound shifts in awareness as well as conveying an energy frequency that aligns the reader with their own inner knowingness, allowing for conscious heartdriven choices. 

Now I am providing these stories as a commission, something created just for you. A work of art that reflects you and triggers whatever is appropriate, enhancing the dance of reunion of Human and Divine.

This story created just for you can even have the sole purpose of creating waves of well being, bliss, sensual joy and loving serenity... whatever serves you best in the moment is the fertile ground where I get my seeds to craft this personalised garden. 

Relevant information: 

enlightenedOnce you order the InPassion Treasure Chest, the story will take up to 2 weeks to be sent to you in PDF format.
enlightenedIf you order a Treasure Chest for 2 or more consecutive months, the following month after the first you will get a Written Isness Report instead of an Enlightening Story. 
enlightenedThe story has no predefined size, as it is crafted intuitively, specifically for you and cannot be defined regarding number of words/pages.
enlightenedI own the copyright to these Stories and authorise you to publish them wherever you deem fit, always mentioning my authorship. I am also authorised to publish them, with or without mentioning your name, as per your choice.
enlightenedI will always inform you prior to publishing your story anywhere.
enlightenedBy purchasing either the InPassion Treasure Chest or a stand alone Enlightening Story, you consent to the above. 
enlightenedIf you have never read my stories and would like to have an idea about what I write, please visit my blog at

Testimonials - Story

"Oh Tania. There are no words.. this is something so so special. So special...I was crying all the time when I read it. It was so beautiful. Thank you so much.  You are incredible. I really don't have many words right now... thank you."

Ida Mokki

"It seems the energy is ever changing and every time there is something else that I perhaps didn't see or wasn't aware of. This is slightly boggling still to the mind but its 'new energy' in real life obviously! :) 
This is a gift that keeps on giving for sure.
Much gratitude for this."

Mary Chetcuti

"Oh Tania, I read what you wrote for me. It made me cry! It touched me so deeply. I need to drink it in, feel the words even more deeply. My entire body received what you wrote and I am feeling more relaxed."

Serena-Faith Masterson

Let's find out more...

Personalised Miracle Virtual Room

Note: you can access each of these Isness Integration Enhancers as stand alone Pearls as well. Scroll down to bottom.

It has been quite some time now, since I first created a Virtual Room with an Enlightening purpose, to enhance a specific quality. The Inner Circle of Silence has been accessible through the Enlightening Showers of Presence experiences and I have also created the Bathing in Gratitude Room to gift all of my beloved friends and clients. 

Now I have taken these creations 1 step further by creating what I have chosen to call Personalised Miracle Virtual Rooms, which are accessible only by the person they are created for and have the specific purpose of enhancing the person's Purest Qualities of Essence and providing whatever energy frequencies are appropriate for the person's current moment. This Room is filled with one's own Essence as well as that of the Enlightened and Higher Frequency Beings that accompany this person on their individual journey expansion. 

The Room may feel different each time it is accessed, as it adjusts the frequency to whatever is most relevant to enhance, balance or adjust in each moment.

Relevant information: 

enlightenedOnce you order the InPassion Treasure Chest, the room will be available within 24 hours on my Discord Server InPassion Sacred Space.
enlightenedThis Room is visible and accessible only by you, as it is created only for you.
enlightenedIt is available 24/7 for one month within the InPassion Treasure Chest. When purchased as a stand alone Pearl, it is available for 1 week and you can choose as many weeks as you want.
enlightenedTo use this Room: simply access on Discord (you will receive an invitation to join my Server if you are not already on it and then given access to your Room). Once you go in, I recommend you sit or lie down comfortable, belly up, breathing deeply and softly through the nose, as you usually so during the Compassionate Breath Sessions. Allow yourself to receive whatever is provided for you in this Room, remaining open and aware. This Room will always provide an immediate sense of safety, well being and bring you into a relaxed state so that you can enjoy it more fully. 
enlightenedYou are free to stay in it for as long as you'd like and to visit it as frequently as you'd like within the timespan you have access to it. 
enlightenedUsing this Room does not substitute any kind of Medical advice and is not recommended if you are on psychotropic medication or have been diagnosed with any kind of severe mental illness. It is used with your entire responsibility. 

Testimonials - Virtual Room

"And oh the virtual room is something so special... it's hard to understand how it feels so special!!  It's very different.. I mean the Silence Room too was very special but this feels even more! It really feels like a miracle. It feels like the energies there are sometimes just dancing and singing. Sometimes it's just something so soft and gentle. It takes me with it and covers me with love and tenderness. And at the same time it's something very powerful and transformative. Its amazing!!"

Ida Mokki

"Good news, I’ve finally allowed myself to have a break through in this morning miracle room session, it was beautiful. Today we went to ‘angel’s peak’ and just had a look at the amazingness that is Mary the human, the amazing job even in challenging times. I’m going to keep sitting here and just allow all this incoming love and appreciation, it feels funny but it’s all mine after all. "

Mary Chetcuti

"It is a gift to be able to go in to the Inner Circle of Silence whenever I want to, to commune with this energy that is there waiting for me anytime of the day or night. It’s the frosting on the cake for me. This compassionate breath is already invaluable  because it keeps me centered, balanced and happy, but the unique energy that I find in The Inner Circle of Silence strengthens and feeds my Soul."

Serena-Faith Masterson

Waves of love
There comes a time
there comes a moment
a moment so precious and true -
when you feel the waves of love of your essence
showering you
there comes a time
there comes a moment
when you just know -
to allow the waves take you into the ocean of love
you just know and allow something new
you allow the waves to take you and all of the guilt you've held
you let go of resisting strongly
holding on to some stone or wood
the love it comes in the dress of fear
huge frightening powerful waves
and this time you know it is love you've feared and you float on your past in the now....

Sandra Pieper

Let's find out more...

Note: you can access each of these Isness Integration Enhancers as stand alone Pearls as well. Scroll down to bottom.

Compassionate Breath Monthly Jewels

Please click HERE to find out more. If you are purchasing the InPassion Treasure Chest, please do not click on Get Access once you open the link. You will get an access code sent by me, via email.

Relevant information: 

enlightenedOnce you order the InPassion Treasure Chest, you will get a Free Access coupon via email which is available for a short period of time, so please be sure to activate it as soon as you get it. 
enlightenedThe Access within the InPassion Treasure Chest is available for 1 month.  
enlightenedYou will have to download the MySoundWise app to your mobile if you'd like to listen on this device. You can also access directly on your computer. You will get all of the information once you activate the Access code.

Compassionate Breath Random Sessions

Please click HERE to find out more. If you are purchasing the InPassion Treasure Chest, please do not click on the Purchase button on the page once you open the link.
You will get a skype link from me by email, in order to access the monthly live session that is part of this Treasure Chest.

Relevant information:

enlightenedThere is usually 1 Compassionate Breath Random Session per month. If by any chance in the month of your purchase of the Treasure Chest, there is not, you will get access to the remaining Compassionate Breath session for the following month. 

Access InPassion Treasures

Payment Methods 

If you'd like to pay via Bank Transfer (preferred option for me), these are my details:
IBAN PT50003602839910001428377, BIC/SWIFT: MPIOPTPL.
If you need any more details please contact me via
If you are transferring in a different currency (other than Euro), please consider using Wise - an online International Transfer system that charges no fees for the first transfer and very low fees after that. 
Please click here. Thank you.
Another option is Revolut. Revolut works in any currency, including Euro. If you'd like to use Revolut, please let me know. Thank you.

If you prefer, below you will find the PayPal and Credit Card option, bt clicking on the buttons. 
Note: Please read our Minimum Base Rate and Cancellation Policy.

Complete Treasure Chest 


Valid for 1 Month


Enlightening Story


Lifetime Access

Personalised Miracle
Virtual Room


Valid for 1 Week

Compassionate Breath
Monthly Jewels


Monthly Subscription

Random Compassionate
Breath Session


Valid for 1 Session

Isness Mentoring & Integration

For more information

Please click below