
New Edition 

Soul Songs - The Melody Within

A book about the greatest Love Affair of All: the reunion of Human and Divine

Becoming One from the inside out

Soul Songs

This book is a practical testimony of how to include the Divine into the daily life of our Human side. It is a living manual of BEing, beyond appearances, beyond the many illusions that limit us and keep us from a simple, balanced and serene life, feeling the true taste of Joy, the true fragrance of each creative moment. It is a book of new perspectives, new potentials, new energy, new ways to be in the world, opening new frontiers, learning how to listen to the voice of your Soul, in the body, feet firmly on the ground, but keeping an expanded awareness which pierces through the linear habit of survival and drama.
Each one is invited to find their own inner melody, to try and include in day-to-day life what has probably been missing all along: the True Self, peaceful and safe – Human and Divine, Divine and Human reunited as one, finally.
This is the story of the greatest Love Affair, a contemporary example of the irrefutable fact that only Love is real.

The Melody Within

 Soul Songs - The Melody Within

The Paperback version is available upon direct order. I will send it via post with or without an autograph, whatever the reader chooses.If you wish to receive an autographed copy, please send an email to with the name of the person to be mentioned in the autograph. Thank You.
I also deliver in person, in Portugal, when convenient.

Regular Price: 22€
Shipping paid separately:
For Mainland Portugal: 2€
Portuguese Islands and European Union Countries: 6€
Rest of Europe: 8€
Outside Europe: 10€
Please use PayPal link to pay for the shipping
Or Bank Transfer: Tania Paula Castilho, IBAN 003602839910001428377 Montepio Bank
When living in Portugal, MbWay is an option: to number 926393876

IMPORTANT: After purchasing the book, please send me your name and postal address so that I can send the book to you. Thank you.
Alternatively, you may also fill in the Contact Form on the website footer with the required information. 

 Soul Songs

Deck with 31 cards, one for each day of the month, which can be used without the book as an ongoing source of inspiration for more conscious living, bringing in a fresh perspective moment to moment. The deck can be used in any way the person wishes, so as to bring more clarity and coherence to everyday existence, always keeping in mind that we are a whole, Divine & Human in partnership and constat cooperation. 
Can be sent by post anywhere in the world or delivered in person, only when here in Tomar, Portugal :).
Price: 15€
Shipping paid separetely:

For Mainland Portugal: 1,5€
Portuguese Islands and European Union Countries: 5€
Rest of Europe: 6€
Outside Europe: 8€
Please use PayPal link to pay for the shipping
Or Bank Transfer: Tania Paula Castilho, IBAN 003602839910001428377 Montepio Bank
When living in Portugal, MbWay is an option: to number 926393876

IMPORTANT: After purchasing the cards, please send me your name and postal address so that I can send the cards to you. Thank you.
Alternatively, you may also fill in the Contact Form on the website footer with the required information. 

 Soul Songs - The Melody Within
Book + Cards

The Paperback version and cards bundle are available upon direct order. I will send them both via post. The book can be with or without an autograph, whatever the reader chooses.If you wish to receive an autographed copy, please send an email to with the name of the person to be mentioned in the autograph. Thank You.
I also deliver in person, in Portugal, when convenient.

Regular Price: 33€
Shipping paid separately:
For Mainland Portugal: 4€
Portuguese Islands and European Union Countries: 8€
Rest of Europe: 10€
Outside Europe: 15€
Please use PayPal link to pay for the shipping
Or Bank Transfer: Tania Paula Castilho, IBAN 003602839910001428377 Montepio Bank
When living in Portugal, MbWay is an option: to number 926393876

IMPORTANT: After purchasing the bundle, please send me your name and postal address so that I can send the items to you. Thank you.
Alternatively, you may also fill in the Contact Form on the website footer with the required information. 

 Soul Songs - The Melody Within

Please click on the button to acces the Digital Kidle e-book version of Soul Songs.


Tania’s book is a daily invitation from soul to dive into one’s own garden of stillness at every moment, into one’s soul songs and the everlasting melody within. The way the invitations where conveyed, helped me to not at all get mental with them, rather really feeling into the answers within. Throughout the whole book you can sense the importance and depth of making genuine choices in your life, what it actually means and how it can bring real change. I loved how the book related to our life as a human, to our down-to-earth experiences and at the same time constantly encouraging the communication with my own soul. Going through the book I always felt that loving and supporting reminder to just breathe, allow and feel." View extended Review HERE 
Myriam H.T.